About the Garganey Trust

We’re passionate about conservation

The Garganey Trust was set up in 1998 to secure the future of Broomhill Flash, a renowned wildlife site in South Yorkshire. Since then, we’ve built upon this foundation to help the fortunes of wildlife across Yorkshire.

We now look after three more nature reserves – Clegg’s Meadow, Denby Delf, and Thunderbridge Meadows.

Our aim is to promote biodiversity, and provide access, education, research, and opportunities for learning about conservation. So we work closely with partner organisations on conservation projects across the region too.

Our logo is the Garganey: a small dapper duck that’s a rare summer visitor to the UK. Why? It has very particular needs, breeding in shallow lakes and flooded grassland. With careful management and conservation, it would be a wonderful success if it bred at Broomhill Flash.

It’s the attention to detail based on sound science that’s our guiding principle for all our conservation endeavours.